Description of the “Innovative Defense Training” series

Webinar – defense mentoring.
Starts: September 12, 2024. (Thursday) 7 p.m. CEST
Duration: 2 hours (10 minute break)
Estimated number of sessions: 16 – 20 meetings
Registration: from August 23, 2024 on the website:


Topics of webinars from the “Innovative Defense Training” series:

  1. Count signal

The extent to which we use count signals is of great importance. The more often we use them, the fewer mistakes we make, but the declarer is increasingly playing out as in widne.

On the other hand, when we use count signals less frequently, it requires more analysis at the table, but it can make life harder for the declarer. It’s a difficult dilemma.

  1. Attitude signal

Counts and attitude signals are necessary in some hands. They help solve many problems, though their weakness lies in the fact that they are open to interpretation.

  1. GPS – General Preference of Suits

Suit preference signals give information about the location of key honor cards, and they are crucial for implementing an effective defense. We also convey our defensive intentions through these signals. Suit preference signals are very powerful tools in the defenders’ hands.

  1. Ruffing

One of my players, when he heard we were going to discuss ruffing, said: “What could be complicated about a defense that involves ruffing? Mr. Martens, at least on this topic, please don’t complicate things for us!”.

  1. False signal

At the highest level, there’s a psychological battle between the defenders and the declarer. It involves using deceptive plays to lead the opponent astray. It requires sharp focus from both defenders, and I will present many examples of this technique.

  1. We solve problems ourselves

In some hands, a defender must solve problems on their own. Their partner may have provided important information early during the dummy play, and now it’s up to them to figure out the solution.

  1. Chess

Chess analysis is the responsibility of competent defenders. What happens in the final phase of the dummy play determines the actions of the defense. Players do not like this element of analysis because it requires intensive work at the table.

  1. Imagination

Controlling the playmaker’s imagination is a difficult art and is an element of the duel between defenders and the declarer. Some defensive ideas require brilliant imagination. Problems like this are why I love this game.

  1. Cooperation, we try to help, information

Cooperation at the table between defenders and solving your partner’s problems guarantee a high level. The best player in the world in this “competition” was my partner – Marcin Leśniewski.

  1. Scenarios

Depending on the actions of all players at the table, different scenarios appear. You need to skillfully adapt your defense to the changing situation.

  1. Dummy play and defence

The ability to recognize the problem category that we have been working on over the last few months helps a lot in the fight against the contractor. Knowing his plan, we can implement an effective defense.

  1. Against squeeze

Knowledge of squeeze models and the mechanisms governing them will allow us to play against communication most often.

  1. Opening lead

The first lead should be well thought out. He imposes a line of defense. A good start often leads to a favorable result. A bad start is often beyond repair.

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